75th Anniversary
Happy Anniversary !!!! We would love for you to join us to help celebrate our 75th Anniversary.
Dates and information
Sunday 9/17/23 – Deadline for Fall Mum
Mum colors will be determined by the 75th Anniversary decorating team. They will be available to take home on October 1st. 8 inch pots/ $7.00; 12-inch/$20.00. Mark your donation: MUMS
Wednesday 9/20/23 – 75th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt
Register to sign up for the Scavenger Hunt and the Wednesday Night meal. After prayer time and announcements, we will have a Scavenger Hunt for all ages (no regular Wed. Night Activities) If you are only coming for the Scavenger Hunt, please sign up on the bulletin board by the office.
Saturday 9/30/23 – 75th Anniversary Praise and Worship
We will have an evening of music and singing starting at 5 pm in the Sanctuary. The church as arranged for musicians and singers (who have been a part of our history) to perform, following the service, there will be a time of fellowship with refreshments in the Fellowship Hall.
Sunday 10/01/23 – 75th Anniversary Worship Service
We will have a heartwarming Celebration service in the sanctuary at 10:30 am, where members, both old and new, will gather to express gratitude for the church’s rich history and its impact on the lives of individuals and the community. There will be no Sunday School following the service, there will be a Covered Dish Lunch where everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite dish to share in a communal meal. The church will be providing Fried Chicken and Chipped Port BBQ.

Drawing – Commissioned for the 50th Anniversary celebration

Charter Members- Established as Butner Baptist Church on the final day of revival September 19, 1948